reconnect to reset
from the Founder
Little did I know back in 2015 when I began my studies into the power of plants, holistic healing, functioning of the skin and a Diploma in Organic Skincare Formulation, this story started well before my quest to heal my daughter’s eczema-prone skin and provide my post-pregnancy hormonal skin with much more than what currently was on offer in the world natural skincare.
Being raised on acreage in a small country town, riding our bikes with lobby nets in tow, playing games in the rain and dancing under our own private waterfall that was the overpour from the rain tanks when they were once again full, the horses and cows always in sight and breaking off pieces of sugarcane as a snack to keep us going, to our family trip around Australia with a caravan and now continuing this outdoors lifestyle with my husband and children as we tick off places near and far to see and experience. I have always loved and felt connected to the outdoors. Nature can do wonders to your spirit and soul, teach us, and put everything into perspective to help us see what really matters. It is these moments where the true beauty lies.
Reset Beauty is in fact the culmination of not only my quest to craft nutrient-dense, transformational, biocompatible skin care, but also of my upbringing, family heritage, and now our lifestyle as an outdoor, adventure and nature-loving family.
I have fond memories of our Macedonian grandma, Baba, working her rows of vegetables, flowers and other herbs in the backyard of her Sydney home all those years ago. The smell of geranium all through her gardens will always stay with me - and now every time I feel one of those leaves, and smell one of those petals, I am taken right back there with her. Reset has connected me more than I had ever expected - I often think of her in her gardens as I tend to all of our Reset botanicals.
So why does this matter for skin health? Because it takes a holistic approach to achieve optimum skin wellness ... a happy gut fed with wholesome food, a healthy nature-immersed lifestyle, a balanced mind and soul, and nutrient-dense skin care to look after your largest organ, your skin. This is what will keep inflammation at bay, stress-levels low, and hormones in check.
While my goal is to provide this connection to nature and the land through our botanicals in our artisanal formulations, I’m also deeply passionate about inspiring you to reconnect with the everyday wonders and beauty of the natural world around you - the things that make you feel alive, to reset. If we put this at the heart of everything we do, whether in business or in our lives, I think the world will be a better place.
“Nature can do wonders to your spirit and soul, teach us, and put everything into perspective to help us see what really matters.”
"Ageing is a privilege. It's an opportunity to collect more experiences and more memories. This is exactly why I've never agreed with the negative connotations towards the word; and is exactly why I created supporting nourishment for the skin that would honour it's natural state & support it in times of need, so we can get on living the good life and fully experiencing what this great world has to offer!"
We are obsessed about our botanicals
Growing our own botanicals, sustainably wild-foraging and working with local growers not only gives us the transparency and assurance over the quality and health of the plants, it is also about connection - to our land and what it offers.
We form a true appreciation and love for our ingredients, experience and learn from nature’s ways, and are obsessed about honoring their integrity right through until their undiluted nutrients are bottled and ready for your skin to devour. It is through our potent representations of nature’s nutrients, that we hope to pass this connection on to you and inspire you to reconnect in your own way - to nature, your body, your spirit of adventure and the things that make you feel alive. It is when we have this connection and appreciation of our land and ourselves, that we are more likely to take better care of both of them.